Getting Farther than the 3-Weeks
my new boyfriend
3-weeks old.
This coming Monday will be the 4th week of me staying SINGLE.
Not being attached to someone somehow gives a tad bit feeling of less guilt and a simultaneous feeling of LONELINESS romantically.
The first and the second week were never easy 'cos my depression went sky high.My stress level came boiling hot, my appetite lowered and my days were so gloomy. Monotonous as it is.
Now i'm in the process of getting over. I found a couple of random phrases in the net and i think such phrases helped me regain the energy I lost.
Crazy it may seem but im in the stage of looking into websites for articles on 'How to Get Over a Break Up' and surprisingly got hooked and even got the advices i wanted and needed.
And the song i enclosed in this entry is the song i just fell inlove with.SIGH.
Somehow, what happened to be disgracegul came out to be a blessing after all. On the other side of the scene, instead of feeling so dumb and pathetic, I poured and soaked myself to the gym and focused on looking and feeling GOOD. I may not have an A grade with my lovelife as of now, at least i made the other aspect of my life incredible and excellent.There's more to life anyway.
Note: If he comes back to me, it would be a pleasure though. That would be a bonus after what I have now; struggling for a bliss.
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