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The Guy Everybody Wants


I have this overwhelming feeling right now. It's pure joy, happiness and love. Am not talking about my poor love affair right here. Let's just call it an obsession from a thousand miles fan to a getting-to-stardom choreographer and dancer.

I guess i have not mentioned about BRIAN PUSPOS in my previous entries and that's the reason why i wanted to exclusively feature him now in this unpopular blog of mine.

Let's start from the very beginning of how i got to meet him like what everybody asks me whenever i replace my Facebook profile photo with his picture or every time i post video links of his dance clips from Youtube or just simply an obviously-obsessive-status on my FB wall. Actually, even now that am writing this entry, it gives me that giddy feeling like a high school girl with a crush. So funny.

It all started out with my younger brother's obsession of him. Yes, you heard it right. My bro's the first one who fell in love with him. So gay but just kidding. Hehe. My brother actually loves dancing and he's blessed to have that talent unlike me. Dancing is my frustration. And, it's way better to get hooked with dancing rather than sniffing drugs like some boys i know.

And so my brother along with our cousins were drown to their dance life. With the help of the internet era, many influences in all parts of the globe starting to make sense. And that's how they discovered one of the world's best-known young choreographers. 

It all started on that particular day with them talking about that man's sick dance routines and of course can't help but to get curious and anxiously figure out. Later on, they shared to me all the downloaded clips of his dance pieces and i never knew i was falling-in-love every single day.

This man awakened my desire for dancing. Though dancing doesn't love me but  am already contented seeing him with those killer swag moves which already gave me that intensity of a dancing-feeling too. And you know what? He's  the trending topic of me and my brother. That's how silly we are.

So here are some facts about him. Hope i won't be sued right here for almost making him a biography. HAHA.

BRIAN PUSPOS is a Filipino yet born and raised in Houston, Texas. We have the same birth month. He's on the 20th while am on the 27th and a year older than i am. And since he's technically an American citizen eversince, am definitely sure that he never forgets his roots. I have seen 'im in a Youtube clip wearing Manny Pacquiao print on his tees expressing how proud he is to be one. Not to mention also that he hang-out's with mostly Pinoy boys like JR Aquino.

BRIAN PUSPOS started dreaming big in his younger age and he's slowly making it real now. He joined a dance crew representing South America to battle in a prestigious dance competition which was trending in the USA. You familiar with America's Best Dance Crew? Though they never bagged the first place, they got the crowds love and respect anyway. And right after that, his Youtube account with his dance choreos trended the web which made him more famous. He's now one of the web's sensation.

Like everybody else, if we admire him, he also admire bigger stars than him. He's a huge fan of CHRIS BROWN and DRAKE which he uses their soundtracks in his crafts. Amazingly, all the tracks he choreo's would eventually hit and even snagged millions of views. And to that, i admire him so much 'coz he never fails to amaze me and the rest of his fans. He's best known with his effortless sexy moves. He's looking neatly hot. He's never overrated. He exactly improves from time to time.

An obsessive fan like me is VERY MUCH thankful to social networking sites 'coz i can stalk him either through Facebook, Twitter or Youtube. He's genius in his own ways. At the age of 25, he's been into a lot of countries. If that can be a measurement of success, then definitely he is. What's good about it is his generosity of sharing his talent to everyone and never ceases to inspire. He's a living proof of a hardworking man that can reach what seemed to be an unreachable dream.

I wonder how proud his parents can be for raising an inspirational boy like him. I even can't have enough gratitude space of having him to be country's pride. He not only inspires Pinoys but almost all different races are heads up on him. 

He's an epic. A legend in the making and i wanna see that future of him as a shining star making its way on stage with all lights on. I could never be happier.


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