After spending the weekends at Binuangan together with an awesome family bonding, i ended up a half-day-late-absent that Monday.

I was so hooked up after spending the night at Kitambis---when we were harvesting lanzones---after being stucked due to heavy rainfall. I never had regrets since i haven't spent such a wonderful moment with my family ever.

After a Sunday mass, my mom, tita and two cousins (JL & Steph) decided to drove off to Kitambis to visit Lola and the lanzones.
Tita and Stephanie just right outside the lanzones farm.

I event took videos during our motor "habal-habal" ride till i got off and ran to Lola.

I'm so much overwhelmed with the memory and how much i'm missing them badly.

Lola Florence, my grandpa's sisiter, joined in that night and slept with us in the small hut. Though electricity was scarce, a marathon of movies can't be compared to a delightful and a series of hilarious topics for chats. Popcorns and even high-class foods can never compare a guisado sardines and soup with only 'moron' as our light to that darkness and coldness of the night. The laughter and the chuckles indeed made our night together delightful and heart warming.

I know that such moments can never be paid by a hundred and millions of pesos. The smiles were enough for me to be proud of my family.

Waking up the next morning was more than grateful enough. T'was like a dream of getting up under the shades of the trees, cool breeze sweeping and seeing the green nature and the sunlight seems to be peeping behind the leaves and the branches of lanzones trees. Seeing yellow fruits that seemed to be pasted on the trunks made the picture perfect of such a genuine nature scenery.SIGH.

The feeling of contentment was there. Feels like i've done a little recollection on the side that had me realized even on the smallest of things i've seen.Simplicity.

That's it. Living a life of simplicity in that place can amazingly give you that feeling of contentment.Oh!Poetic me.

But now, here i am. Back in the city noise. The noise of traffic. Horns of all classes of cars, trucks and motors. I'm now back in the chaotic and real world. The noise of the busy people and the different walks of life.

Yeah, i know.Have to face this reality. Do the same old scene. Waking up, take a bathe, eat, off to work. Waking up,take a bathe, eat, off to work.Monotonous.

SIGH.But on the brighter side, i think you can still find the peace inside, to be a complete stranger to anyone you might bump with on the streets everyday. To assume of being alone.ALONE everyday.
Fresh harvested lanzones.


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