Divine Mercy Sagada

    It was never a long time plan to ever go to the must-go sacred place just right at the borders of Region 10 and in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.
    A week before, Krestil, my colleague and I already heard about many topics hollered the internet and social networking sites regarding the famous Bukidnon festival, KAAMULAN.
    Yeah, we were so much in love with the idea to go however the finances aren't cooperating at all. Hey, that doesn't mean we don't really have bucks. In fact, we have the passbooks of our savings account yet it's too impractical to just withdraw our cashes and squander it all for just a night or day of happiness. Well, am not saying too that happiness should be isolated for the sake of not touching the finances we have saved for how many years, you know.
    A college friend of mine even invited me for Kaamulan yet am not practicing the YES-promises 'coz I know am not totally committed of getting myself there without much planning-ahead 'coz getting out-of-town exactly costs a lot, as far as I know.
    So, after my boss's 2-day travel for Davao, we invited him for the weekend plan of visiting the Divine Mercy Shrine at El Salvador instead  which is more or less 30-minute drive from Cagayan de Oro City. That's base of my calculation of driving a Vios at a normal speed and less traffic.
    So indeed, the photos which I will be posting serve the right of all evidences of our victorious arrival there plus the unforgettable laughter and enjoyment.
    The scorching heat was quite disturbing yet we survived it. Thank God. Actually, t'was a very precious moment for me too since it was my very first while the two were there a couple of times already. And since it was a first, I already grabbed the chance of offering two lighted candles I bought for my Civil Service Exam thanksgiving (the white one) and for stability of my career petition (which is the orange one).
    Glad I was there and still hoping to get there too with my two younger brothers and Mum.
    So, am blogging it this time after arrival for a deeper and fresher point of view. God is indeed merciful.
    By the way, before I forget. I got the weirdest feeling ever after arriving at the Divine Mercy Hill. Am really sure I have dreamt about the place already. 
  1. I dreamt of that road which was still under construction now just right beside the Divine Mercy Hill. Ummm..as far as I could remember, it was the road of the village near the DM Hill.
  2. Second, after I took the stairs up, I noticed the under constructed houses (more like native type houses) still near the DM Shrine. This time, it's like located on the other side of the wall from the DM Shrine borders. 
  3. Yes, yes. Weird enough. I was actually thinking that my visit at the Divine Mercy is more like destined. Ugh. God knows best. I think am too sinful right now and I badly need his forgiveness. GOD Bless my soul.
  4. Jennifer rose


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