Card Reading

Last Monday, two of my friends dragged me ('coz i was in my bed for some rest) to a shanty place just within Cagayan de Oro for some tarot card reading.

My friends have told me about the lady a couple of times already when they had their reading a year ago. They were gossiping about her drop-dead-gorgeous-young boyfriend and asking how can she grabbed a handsome lad at her age.

On our way there, I was a bit scared as I was thinking of the place to be DARK, DIM and DANGEROUS.haha. But, all is well and I can still write my blog. *grins*

The lady who I was expecting to be wearing a veil or anything with a cloth that covers the face turned out to be the hottest and gorgeous chic I have ever seen at her age.

She was in her tiger spaghetti strap top and blue jeans as we get-in her room. She was sqatting on the bed with a red silky smooth mattress. Her room was well lit up and definitely no signs of negative vibes and bad aura. Thank God.

After a couple minutes of asking questions and answering back, I then got the feeling of ease and convenience with such positive outlook with my reading. SIGH.

That's for today. Ciao. Have some financial reports to do and be done. Let me get some hot cup of coffee while the rain's still hard outside.


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