a day at the festival!!!

Whew!!! What a glorious day beyond description!!!

Beyond the scorching heat of the sun, it made me feel so exhausted after tagging along with those festival dancers!!!

I managed myself in waking up early on a Sunday morning! After hearing a mass, i quickly ran off to a nearby street just to be ready for the big yodel off!

My classmates and i together with our professor in our photography class had a quick breakfast in a nearby stall just to fill our hungry tummies. I, myself went through all the exposure infront of the crowd! It made me kinda jaded after doing the photo shoots under the very heat of the sun. I passed through malls and i was proud of myself after walking several blocks up to the ground where the official demonstration has to begin.

With all the sweat dropping, tremors sent in my nerves after being scolded by some freaking ROTCs...bwahahaha! DaRn...whatta pest.:)

This made me pose with a darling in here!!!


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