
Showing posts from 2007

feeLing fRee!!!

FREE!!!That's a lot to hear from those who intended to get fom something they can't stand anymore! I need a lot more to do than doing anything else and tire myself out right.

1,2 step...

"TIKANG PARA SA KAHAYAG"...that's what a line taken from our play by Rody Vera's KUNG GI-UNSA KO PAGPATAY SI DIANA ROSS!!Darn... Pretty cutie,isn't it? That's the power of line! As what the other qoute: "D'ya know where yah going to?"


school's never been new to me! And i guess this semester is pretty exhausting.:c In the past two years i've been here in XU, i feel so proud of being part of the school's number of studs. I've been so relaxed when i was still in the previous years.Darn... I felt so cultured-shock after piles of requirements to accomplish.Darn.:)

where do i usually go?

dating????naaaaaaaaah..:) it's not at all new to everybody!! well, is it possible to contact people from all over the world and let them know what your heart felts right at the very moment?

peaceful place-to-be...

i don't wanna sound so corny but i love seeing things in my coolest sight. I could remember that very morning me and my friends had a thing-hunting to use as our subject in photography class.:) Naaah..;p I did my low-level thingy and even curled in the ground just to get the perfect angle! The amazement of passersby didn't matter to me anymore. I even considered it as a challenge-Duhhh...--for everyone to see me like that makes me proud anyway! Flashes of light strike upon me.

is this the bench?

wanted to relax??? all by myself, i'd like to find a place where I love to sit and do nothing but stare and be mesmerized. Along the corners of XU, i'm still aiming for something to curl into and just let time pass by! Intramurals was indeed very exhausting yet fun-filled to keep memories not only in photo albums. There are times that I just wanted to stay up and just follow my crush's every move...LAUGH.Well, not to mention that he's...THEY'RE football players. As a news reporter assigned to that area,gladness filled within me! I felt glory all over me after seeing my crushes kicking their asses with that ball thingy! Now, let me ask you one thing, does being friendly a sin? I ask a couple of people about that! tHEY can't help figure out what a certain answer for it!

soccerfield's depth of field???

It's a marvelous morning. My photography class sent us on field to capture the lightest unknown angle around the campus!!! i was busy roaming around and i had a hard time in picking a choice on what subject to focus on. I was looking for things-- even little things-- to be my subject so as to comply first my professor's requireMent. Silly as it may seem but i found a spot at a field in the campus! I felt so strange in having a second thought of being there several times already. Every little thing of merriment makes me wonder how i long to be so happy even to the lightest regard.

maLL to remember...

oLa!!! is pammie the new piggy-piggy with her too much pouted lips???? LAUGH. After having a big break in terms of taking shots in the ground demonstration at a neighboring school in the city, YODS,PAM and i spent the day at the mall. It was such a busy day that made us decide to have the aftternoon at Ketkai mall. I was a bit jaded-- which made me have my tantrums again!OH NO! We had our lunch(not the heavy stuff) at MISTER DONUT which made me crave more for rice.LAUGH. I spent a luxurious meal which i ended up broke. Darn...i was a bit disgusted. I can't blame no one anyway. The thing is i had my happy weekend with them though i felt so worn out.

a day at the festival!!!

Whew!!! What a glorious day beyond description!!! Beyond the scorching heat of the sun, it made me feel so exhausted after tagging along with those festival dancers!!! I managed myself in waking up early on a Sunday morning! After hearing a mass, i quickly ran off to a nearby street just to be ready for the big yodel off! My classmates and i together with our professor in our photography class had a quick breakfast in a nearby stall just to fill our hungry tummies. I, myself went through all the exposure infront of the crowd! It made me kinda jaded after doing the photo shoots under the very heat of the sun. I passed through malls and i was proud of myself after walking several blocks up to the ground where the official demonstration has to begin. With all the sweat dropping, tremors sent in my nerves after being scolded by some freaking ROTCs...bwahahaha! DaRn...whatta pest.:) This made me pose with a darling in here!!!

The Fallen Angel

OLA!!!! Just had a very tiring day at the beach!!! This photo puts me to bed and do the same old thing. Was just reckoning of my very exhausting weekend. Maybe this is the perfect day to be at peace! A perfect day to be away even for just a couple of hours from the busy streets and full pressure of school works. I'm a bit annoyed by the people around. And, i guess,  it just tells me that i'm not not any super woman!!!I just need some time to rest and even to even unwind for just a little bit. I'm feeling bored with my everyday routine: do the weekend study and chit chat with my tiring cousins--haha!!! Actually, they're not really tiring but just kinda annoying especially when it comes to their cousins on the other side of their family. Hopefully they won't read this. I'm trying to build things up to the way they're used to be so as to keep myself from,ya know!NEVER MIND!!! Don't bother anyway!!! Alright, til here!!! i'm still making my f...