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Showing posts from April, 2011

Fairytale Coming True

Tragic Friday

Will never ever forget what happened that day, APRIL 15, 2011, Friday. Around 6PM at Gaisano Mall's Department Store. After assisting my 2nd degree aunt's death at a public hospital just across the mall, i felt like i've died too. At the supermarket, I settled the pushcart at a side to get some hotdogs to fill-in the final goods to buy from my grocery list. You know what? I won't be able to notice i've lost my wallet not until two concerned staff boys from the mall asked me to check my bag. And there, horror and panic struck me. I was caught off guard. Stunned. Shocked. I am slapped from the thought that i NOW lost one of my most IMPORTANT things, wallet . In it was my Dolce Vita Master credit card, ATM cards from Banco de Oro, LandBank, EastWestBank. Even my Gaisano Suki card, Xavier University Alumni ID and my 5 thousand worth bills plus the coins. Not to mention too that the wallet is a gift from mum. SIGH. T'was horrible.Pretty horrible. I was lef

doubts, it.

Some situations are just too rude that you are spontaneously faced with it and you're just caught in between CAN and CAN'T handle the whole thing. Why am i feeling such fear, doubts, confusion... name it.SIGH. Am not really the direct person concern here,just  PARTLY.


This could have been another random day. Enjoyed my three-days weekend vacation since we had the holiday to celebrate for in honor of the Fall of Bataan which, of course, gave me ample time of The Vampire Diaries dvd marathon both the seasons one and two. During the weekend, it has been on my routine to do room cleaning and rearranging stuff to something fresh and new; do the pile of laundry; read my newly-bought books from a bookstore sale down to 10% and of course, SLEEP. *jitters* And since it's April which means school vacation for my younger brother, i have the apartment all by myself. But this time, our youngest brother was here and even smashed all my weekend budget for food trip. It's good thing though since the loneliness (not dramatically)lessens.  So, to bring it all up to my point, I just love this nothing-ness feeling. Quite pressured for what career should i have for my stability since am not getting any younger but still determined to pursue of what i