Note the most cliched line, Only the word CHANGE doesn't change after all. Jot down the difference with your figure in college into now which that dumb-ass 5 pounds addition makes a lot of frustrations and which makes you dying to pursue in losing that too much. Then, there's that change of emotion towards someone which you think you're contented with yet only to find out that someone's coming over but giving you headaches(this time!). It's a freakin' hard thought if it truly benefits you or just a plain joke to life's game. Which you then realized you should've reckoned it over and over before jumping to another decision. And one more thing, there's a change of address after settling with that abode for almost like two years. But this time, this change of comfort zone is indeed a right one (talking about the larger space and ambiance!) yet requires higher fees. So, that's where all started!!! All changes has it's pros and cons. You mig...